Friday, August 26, 2005

Existential Harry

harry art shot
Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
How our tiny happy dog can manage to look so soulful so often is a complete mystery to me. It's as if he's sitting there, thinking, "Life, so full of pain of suffering...oh look, they have filled my water bowl." Or maybe it's more like, "Food, food, food, I want food, too tired to get up, lady bring me food, food, food."

We're going to have to call a pet psychic.

Scratch and Sniff

Harry wouldn't pose for a picture in the needlepoint jungle. Instead, he did what dogs do. Oh, Harry...

(By the way, the other day, Hippo and Harry were on the couch, and Harry jumped off with Hippo in his little teeth and ran around with him -- not okay.)

Giraffe and Hippo Say Goodbye

"You will have fun in Boston," promised Hippo.

"But I will miss you so much!" said Giraffe.

"Sometimes, best friends must be separated," explained Hippo.

Giraffe understood.

A Giraffe For Judy

closeup giraffe portrait
Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
I needlepointed this giraffe for Judy's 30th birthday after she tried to steal my beloved needlepoint hippo. The giraffe was sad to leave the wild, but I know Judy will give him a good home.

In Which We Amuse Ourselves By Dressing Our Dog

harry is a supermodel
Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
I know there's something a little too Paris Hilton about putting clothes on your dog, but Harry seems to be quite fond of his little polo shirt. Is he not the most handsome little man?

Ryan has suggested that our son (please don't comment on the weirdness of referring to our dog as our child; he is our child, okay?) needs to get a little corporate logo embroidered on his polo so he can have a shirt like Daddy's.

That is where I draw the line.

That, and a tiny Harry-size Treo.

Monday, August 22, 2005

My Weekend, Briefly

1. Saturday morning, Ryan walked into our downstairs office to find the carpet totally soaked. We then moved all the furniture out so we could pull up the carpet and remove the quickly mildewing pad. Thanks, rain.
2. Sunday morning, I'm half-awake and Harry, out of nowhere, pukes in my hair.
3. Then he hops off the bed to pee on the floor.
4. My computer, after a few months of good behavior, has gone back to doing the crazy screen thing. Which will either cost $700 to fix or may be the frayed power cord or could stop at any moment or, maybe, just maybe, means I need a new machine.
5. Six Feet Under is over.

Olivia Juice

Ninety-nine percent of the time, I get the Other Music updates, and there’s some re-release, and the writer talks about how, yes, this collection of ´70s Ethiopian girl groups is really rare, so rare that their copy was almost stolen by DJ Shadow, but hey! It’s now on CD for the rest of us to enjoy. Every so often, I actually own the item that’s been re-released.

So hurrah for the weirdos Olivia Tremor Control. I didn’t even realize this was out of print since 1999, but then again, I don’t think I’ve listened to this since then either. I’ve been driving around with it in my car, though, and I’d forgotten how much I enjoy this album. Like most albums that you listen to repeatedly at any point in your life, when I first put Music from the Unrealized Film Script, Dusk at Cubist Castle in the CD player, I started singing along. Because I know all the words. Still.

Also recently ready for the world, Orange Juice! This is new, so I don’t have this already, but I do have something called The Very Best of Orange Juice that I bought in London or Edinburgh in 1996 or so, which probably has the same stuff on it. If you don’t have all the originals, go get this. I promise it’s good.