Sunday, April 03, 2005

Harry+Cone=Sad Puppy

Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
After an exciting weekend away, Harry came back to an unpleasant surprise: neutering. He seems to have a compulsive licking problem, so the vet gave him the cone so as to not disturb his stitches. On our way home, we stopped for Thai food and a little girl in the parking lot pointed at Harry and said, "Daddy, why does that dog have a cone on his head?" Poor Harry. Once the stitches come out, he'll lose the lampshade. When he's outside, he'll tilt his head down and get stuck. Then he seems surprised that he's created a little fishbowl for himself.

Harry+Bandanna=(Well, You Know)

me and festive harry
Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
Nothing says Easter like a dog in an Easter bandanna! Harry had a big trip to the groomer in anticipation of his voyage to Ryan's parent's house for Easter. As some sort of Holiday promotion, he was washed with marshmallow-scented shampoo. He smelled great for maybe 24 hours. Then it was back to puppy smell. Which isn't so bad. Just not marshmallow. I realize I look drunk in this photo. I'm not.

Easter Festivities!

ryan with eggs
Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
The theme of Easter weekend was pretty much "Eat Everything in Sight Until You Are Convinced That You Will Die." Fun! Note the pile of jelly beans and assorted treats next to the eggs. I think I ate all of that in one sitting. You think I'm kidding.

Bunny Time

me and jason
Originally uploaded by bravergirl.
The score bunny, aka Jason posed for a pre-Easter photo with me at the last Roller Warriors game. Dig his Unabomber vibe!