Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Car Talk

I often say that the only thing worse than a PT Cruiser is a PT Cruiser with a vanity plate ("PCCRUZN," "MYCRUZR" etc.) but yesterday I saw something that beats them both: a stretch PT Cruiser. I wish I were lying.

Today on the way home, I was stopped at a light next to a cobalt blue RAV4 with the license plate "VIJAY." Longtime readers may remember Vijay, my first driver in India. Not that I expected he'd relocated to Johnson County, but I was curious, so I inched up to check out Vijay. I couldn't get a good look at him, but I did notice a Ganesh on his dashboard. Is this a sign?

Skip This Post if You Puke at PDA

How cute is Ryan? Soooo cute. Here, a short list:

1. He's posted a review of last night's meal.
2. He refers to Stephen Malkmus as "Johnny Pavement" (ie, "I know you'd leave me for Johnny Pavement.")
3. The other night, I felt something down at the foot of the bed. He reached down for it, found it was a t-shirt, then clutched it to his chest and said, "Shirt!" That's cute.
4. In the morning he sings me songs (usually about how I am still in bed when he leaves for work).
5. He's amended Bex to Bexie (Bexy?)

Um. I could keep going ad infinitum but I'll stop now.

One Last Year of Twentysomethingness

Hello, 29! Yesterday was pretty much perfection. Ryan and I went to 1924 Main for my birthday dinner, and it was So Fantastic. Lovely atmosphere, superb food. I was going to run away with the gingersnap ice cream that accompanied my cranberry and walnut tart, but our waiter brought me a glass of port that I could drink for the rest of my life, no question.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Hard-Hitting Journalism

Um, I interviewed one of the Men of Playgirl (the male revue) last week. Elaborating really wouldn't do the experience justice, but I'll definitely link once it's up.

The Great Merge

Ryan and I haven't run into any epic problems combining our respective belongings, thank god, but we'd also left the long and painful task of unpacking my CD collection until deciding to tackle it a few weekends ago. Ryan laughed when his Dave Matthews CDs touched Death Cab for Cutie, but thankfully Miles Davis interceded and kept the peace. Who needs duplicate Tortoise and Beck stuff?

Another Senior Moment

I know you're not supposed to start referring to your early onset senility and inability to stay up past sunset until you're like over the hill (and, no, 30 doesn't count), but I was only able to see our friends In the Pines last week after getting 15 hours of sleep the night before. (No, I don't usually sleep that much; I had this insane migraine that knocked me out at 5pm and then I was pretty much useless until the next morning). I was dying to see uberhyped Arcade Fire a few weeks ago when they passed through town, but could I stay up late to make it to Lawrence?


And I'm 29 tomorrow! It's a conspiracy, all of it.