Now We Are...Thirty (What?)

Wednesday I thought would be all "Woe is me." Ryan had to work that night, my dad had some doctor-y thing he couldn't get out of, so I planned to have a mellow dinner with my mom and sister. Ryan sent me The Most Amazing Flowers Ever at work, which helped. And then I went to meet Erica and my mom for dinner, and Erica was sitting at a table for...12? I was like, "Why did they put you here?" She explained I'd arrived early for my SURPRISE DINNER! Sneaky Kelly Sue and my mom had gotten together and organized behind my back, those conniving ladies. It was a fantastic convergence of knitting friends, work friends, Pilates friends--all in all, I felt so lucky to know all these amazing people and that they would do something for little old me.
Back at Kelly Sue's, she presented me with a cupcake cake! I clapped. Here's the proof.
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