Friday, August 12, 2005

You Down With OUP?

Faithful Bravermundo! reader (and longtime homeboy) Matty enters the blogging fold with the OUP blog. Nerdy, yet strangely groovy.

Day 5 of the Beach. Things are not quite so bleak.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Did I Mention? I'm Old.

The running isn't so bad--I think I'm getting stronger, and when it's not a gazillion degrees out (ie, when it's before 7am), I can see the appeal. But my knees are fighting me. Knees, why? I know you're pissed, but this isn't the thing to be mad about. C'mon now.

Also? That cookie I just mentioned? Giving me a headache, making me feel like there is a rock in my stomach. Sugar kills.

Music Madness

Old ladies do too go out. Last week, I managed to make it to Tuesday's Le Tigre show, Wednesday's MC Chris spectacular (a birthday gift for Ryan; by far the nerdiest crowd I've ever seen, but MC Chris wins the "Best Banter" award for yelling, at one point, "Can I get a 'maybe'?" Ha.) Thursday was the music showcase--for once, a totally decent time in Westport. I was feeling so boisterous I agreed to do a shot with Amber. That is, before my sister stole it and slammed it. (I guess she didn't approve of me sipping it?) Local bands the Buffalo Saints and In the Pines, you rock and roll! Friday night, my boyfriends the Pernice Brothers came to town, and oh man, they were so spectacular. The bummer was that they were playing at the Hurricane, a despicable venue. The Bros deserve better. Hell, we all deserve better. Unless you are looking to grind your ass into a stranger. In which case, go forth. (And Saturday? I even went to a birthday party. I now must hibernate for a few more years.)

From the Beach to the Street

I thought I deserved a pat on the back this morning after managing to eat a South Beach-friendly meal out (my first voyage into a restaurant). "You are so awesome!" I thought.

I just caved, though, and ate a cookie. It was a really good cookie, but still. Has my Phase 1 Cleanse-your-body period been ruined forever? Oy. These are the things one worries about on the Beach. And it's only Day 3. This has to get better.