Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Have Mom, Will Travel

For Mother's Day weekend, the Momlet and I drove down to Fayetteville, Arkansas to see Desikachar's son, Kausthub, who was doing a workshop on cakras and nadis. India came rushing back to me: there was a Mr. METY type (Sanskrit showoff!), and Todd, one of the yoga groupies who I met at KYM, was traveling with Kausthub as his, well, I don't know, facilitator?

A ringer for the GWLE kept saying things like, "I'm just enjoying your humble and joyful presence!" to which Kausthub responded, "I am humble? No, I am the greatest!" and for that, we love him. Well, and also because he recognized me from India, which made me feel special. Speaking of special, when we went around and introduced ourselves, the fact that we were a mother-daughter duo caused everyone to clap. Aw!

The other great Kausthub quote of the weekend: "Asanas are sexy." Meow.

Should you find yourself in Fayetteville, take a class at the Yoga Room, the studio that sponsored Kausthub's appearance.