Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Tea is for Pussies

Wondering what happened with Coffee? Well, we're back together, in a soy decaf latte sort of way, and while I've removed all of the fun (dairy! caffeine!), I just like knowing he's there.

Zoe Williams writes about coffee in November's British Vogue (so superior to style-impaired American Vogue, if you ask me):
...think what goes through your head when you meet someone who's given up coffee. I'll start you off: "Oh God, you probably don't drink either...I bet you go to the gym, all the time, and then tell people about it in a way so repetitive and arduous that it mirrors very neatly the gym experience itself...I wonder if you're a bit New Agey...Do you have a cat...? I won't want to borrow anything from your wardrobe...You've been going out with the same person for nine or 10 years andyou say that you've never had a one-night stand..."

That isn't exhaustive, but you get the picture. Drinking coffee tells you a lot about a person. And almost all of it is good.

Well, word, Zoe. I have to keep Coffee around so that my forays into crystals and such will be tolerated.