Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Le Shopping

I thought I'd shopped myself out in India, but then I returned to my closet, and found that I have no shoes but flip-flops and no clothes, save some yoga pants and t-shirts. So I've been hitting the stores and then staging impromptu fashion shows for my mother, and then returning half of what I've bought, and then buying some more.

It's tiresome. But sort of fun.

One of the many things that everyone kept from me is that there's a Saks Off 5th outlet at the hilariously dumbly named Great Mall of the Great Plains (oof, such a bad name). I think when you stick a Saks outlet in Olathe, you are just guaranteeing goodness for me. I went last week and stumbled across several sets of Chanel underwear, a smattering of Armani separates, Fendi bags, Seven jeans, KORS Michael Kors, a whole bunch of Oscar de la Renta evening wear...I could go on, but I don't want to spoil it in case you ever go. Because you find yourself in suburban Kansas so frequently.

I found: an adorable cashmere sweater with a heart on the front that was a little too porn-star tight on me, but perfect for Erica; some Three Dots t-shirts; a black short-sleeved cashmere sweater; a cute DKNY top with a ruffled collar (ew, that makes it sound poet-shirty, but it's not, I promise) that I'd actually lusted after at Saks about a year ago; and a supercute evening clutch that I forgot to buy. I may have to go back for it. Since I attend so many black-tie events. Actually, the selection of formal wear was top-notch, so if anyone wants to start inviting me to schmancy events, please do. I like pretty things, I just lack places to wear them.

Today I went to Hobby Lobby, which I normally avoid, but I was shopping for Padmini, and I couldn't find one of the things she wanted at Jo-Ann's, so I ended up in an aisle full of more than five different WWJD? bracelet kits. I'm totally serious. And at checkout they have little tins of Scripture Mints, by which I am endlessly amused (we sneaked some into Erica's stocking last year); wouldn't it be so much more genius if they were instead called Testa-mints? I think so.

Because I find myself at Target on a weekly basis (and really, I don't know how), I ended up in love with something from Isaac Mizrahi's cashmere accessory collection today. A brief Isaac aside: I love this man. Les Miz was brilliant. Some of his Target collection, though, is not, shall we say, on target. A few things go into a weird soccer-mommy territory, which is a shame, but then there are cute cord pants and some nice t-shirts and sweaters. The thing I bought: well, there's not a picture online, but it's basically a cashmere headscarf. Could there be a better item for me for winter?
