Thursday, September 11, 2003

Escape From New York. Again.

Last year, as September 11 approached, conversations with my shrink, my friends and my parents went something like this, "I can't be there. I really can't be there. Maybe I should be there. Maybe it would be good for me. I can't be there. Wait, what if I tried to be there?" and eventually I ended up at Kripalu, which was, as far as not reminding you of the place you don't want to be goes, just fine.

It's hard to separate a lot of what I've been going through over the past two years from that day. Sometimes I think my life hasn't changed at all, other times I realize it's just the opposite. I just don't know if the day will come when I have to be in New York on September 11 and I won't feel like I do just thinking about it now: horrified, scared and sad.