Tuesday, September 09, 2003

Baby Love

Babies and children here are beyond adorable, especially when they're decked out with tiny earrings and bell-trimmed anklets that jingle and jangle wherever they go. After our move Sunday night, we collapsed into a booth at a nearby restaurant, and the baby boy sitting behind me kept touching my shoulder and collapsing in giggles. If his parents would've allowed us, I think we would've carted him back with us. The school near KYM lets out at the same time that we go back to class, and the children yell "Hi hi hi hi!" as we walk down the street. The braver ones come up and say, "What is your good name?" or "What is your home country?"

On Sunday's trip, Noel, such a striking anomaly with her red hair, fair skin, and blue eyes, was handed family's babies so that they could get a photo with her. I love the thought of the photo albums: "And here is the baby, with an American girl!"