Thursday, September 04, 2003

Meet Mr. METY

I'm not entirely surprised that Mr. METY (More Enlightened Than You) has decided to attend KYM. You probably know him: he talks endlessly of his profound understanding of _______ (fill in the blank with the sacred text of your choice), yet asks the sorts of questions that you probably pondered once, in college, stoned off your ass, with your dearest friends while eating Cheetos before collapsing in a fit of giggles. He is always interrupting the teacher, often prefacing his point with "Once, I practiced asanas for ten straight hours" (to which my neighbor and I looked at each other with a good long eye roll) or another non-essential piece of information. When a teacher explains a Sanskrit word, he disagrees--I don't think because he really disagrees, but to show that he knows the root word, or that he's read another author's interpretation.

Don't get me wrong: We shouldn't blindly follow, we should question our beliefs and those presented to us. It's just that at some point, questioning everything ("Did Patanjali really have a thousand heads?") becomes less about curiousity and more about cockiness.