Thursday, September 04, 2003

The Daily Grind

Ask and ye shall receive. What's my day like? The deets:

Sometime between 5:30-6am I wake up and get ready to leave. I usually catch a rickshaw (sadly, Vijay dissed me yesterday) and head over to the Mandiram.
7-8am Morning practice This has been getting progressively more intense. Today I felt sort of lazy and couldn't stop thinking about chocolate.
8-9am Breakfast The Mandiram provides a lovely breakfast every morning, usually plain yogurt, and a rice or rice-like dish, with chai and coffee. There are also baskets of fruit.
9-10am Jijnasam (theory of asana and pranayama) So far, we've discussed (and will continue to discuss, I reckon) how practicing yoga must give you balance.
10-10:15am Break We drink from coconuts, chat amongst ourselves, solve the world's crises and then head back upstairs.
10:15-11:15am Anusasanam (yoga philosophy) My favorite class! Menaka, our teacher, is amazing, explaining everything with such clarity and grace. This is the class in which I am slowly starting to comprehend bits and pieces I've heard before relating to the Yoga Sutras.
11:15am-3:15pm Break Some of my classmates have joined a Vedic chanting class. I usually spend this time running errands, eating lunch, reading, chilling and catching up on email. I am at my local internet cafe now, updating Bravermundo before going to grab something to eat.
3:!5-4:30pm Cikitsa Kramam (application of yoga) This class deals with the therapeutic aspects of yoga. We look at other students and discuss how to adapt teaching to their particular issues.
4:30-5pm Tea break More chai (or coffee) and little cookies.
5-6pm Dhyanam (meditative practice) Light asana practice, a little meditation, a lot of discussion of how to fulfill dharma.

And then we're done for the day. Sometimes I head straight home, other times I go shopping or wandering. Chennai doesn't exactly have a hopping nightlife scene, so early nights are the norm!