Monday, September 22, 2003


My embroidery teacher Padmini's daughter-in-law, Vijaya, was shy at first, but I think she feels a little more comfortable with me now. They've invited me over next weekend for a festival that I can't remember the name of that involves dolls, and I am stoked to go, so I asked Vijaya what to wear.

"Do you have any Indian clothing?"
"I have a salwaar kalmeez. Can I wear that?"
"I think I would like to see that. Why haven't you worn that over here?"
Guiltily, I explained that it gets hot in the classroom, so I tend to dress in layers and the long top of a salwaar just doesn't breathe enough.
"Hm. What are you going to do with your hair? Are you going to wear a bindi? What about jewelry?"

I have gleaned that I don't dress up enough for my embroidery lessons, so I am going to pile on every piece of jewelry I've bought here (trust me, they'll here me jingling from down the street) and do something with my hair and maybe even wear some makeup.

Vijaya did approve of my toe rings, which was some consolation, and then sweetly offered to paint on a bindi and braid my hair before I returned to the Mandiram.

As if I am not overcome with enough emotion by all of this affection, she and Padmini have decided I need a Sanskrit name!

Don't worry, you all don't have to call me Uma.